I actually remembered to title last night’s post before I published! So proud of myself, lol. I am drawing a total blank for what to write about tonight. I have been staring at this screen for a while and nothing is popping out at me. Today was a good day, as far as that goes. The work day went well, got a lot accomplished…had my favorite style of meal for dinner… browsed Pinterest for a while (I don’t think it’s possible to browse Pinterest for a short amount of time) especially since I am trying to build up the Mae’d Pinterest account…and watched the Disney channel for a little while….yes…I watch the Disney Channel…and…yes…I am an adult. I like it because the storylines are catchy and easy to follow, and it doesn’t take any brain power when I want to just relax on the couch, and I know it will always work out in the end. I don’t have to worry about violence, terror, or sad endings. I can watch them safely. Might be childish, but it’s also fun to find the adult humor in a lot of the episodes. And, to be honest, a lot of the shows really crack me up.