I haven’t cure my artist block yet, but at least tonight I had the beginnings of a desire to draw. Nothing has come of it, but it’s a step in the right direction. I did manage to get three skirts I’ve been working on finished…well, almost finished, technically they will be finished when I iron them. But the sewing portion is done at least. I’m hoping I can work on some new latex designs tomorrow, but I still have another skirt and a dress to finish. I’m trying to get projects out of the way before I dive in to new projects. That’s one of the only potential downsides to having creative juices flowing again…once you start on one project it leads to new ideas that have stemmed from the first one, and then it just keeps going. The only plus to the current artist block is that I can now finish some of the designs that I wasn’t able to work on yet. Kind of like I’m doing a creative spring cleaning (even though I know it isn’t spring yet). Maybe the artist block is because I have so many unfinished projects. Maybe it’s my subconscious mind forcing me to finish things up before I’m allowed to start anything knew. If it is, then my subconscious mind is being quite successful. My only catch to finishing up all the new skirts, is coming up with ideas for blouses to go with all of them. I haven’t even started that process yet, its almost a bit daunting at the moment, it’ll help me continue in my quest of using up the old fabric I have. And, it’s always fun to see projects come to life, but it’s really funny, I love almost every step of the design process, except the end. Once I get to the final parts, such as hems and waistbands, I’m wanting the project to be over already, so it seems like those steps take forever…and they are almost the easiest part. Kind of funny how that works. My favorite part is definitely the design stage, followed by the drafting/draping and mock up stage. I really enjoy watching the piece start to come alive into 3 dimensions, when it started as a simple 2 dimensional image. The final project doesn’t always end up exactly like the drawn design, but I try to come as close to it as possible (not including changes I might have made in the mock up phase to enhance some of the design features). I’m not exactly sure this post is making the most sense, so I think I will call it a night.