I was able to get a pretty good amount of stuff done today. It currently doesn’t feel like it was a productive day, even though I know I got stuff done…but I think that is more because I wanted to get more done than I did. Two pieces to my new latex outfit are almost done, just have to do some of the finishing elements (which are meant more for longevity than design) and then they will be completely done. Then put the third piece together and my whole outfit will be done. I’m debating making a 30s style hat or fascinator of some sort to add some more pizazz to the ensemble…but I’m not sure yet…and I haven’t really thought too much into it…more of a passing idea than a full on thought. I’m pretty happy with how it is looking though. I also realized I want to make some ready to purchase items…so instead of having everything made to order… I will create some things that are ready to ship right away. Some of the more basic items, for now at least. I am going to work on adding more basic items as well. But don’t worry, there are some more elaborate designs on the way.


Categories: Uncategorized.