Today was a good day. I was able to finished my newest latex design, and so far I am really happy with it! I’m hoping to do the photoshoot for it next weekend and have the pictures posted some time after that. I just realized I haven’t posted any pictures from the last photoshoot yet…oops. I’ll have to do that soon. I posted them to my instagram account but haven’t had a chance to post them on here yet. I will remedy that :). I also got started on my next design idea, and have some new ideas for upcoming latex designs. Other than that, today was a lot of cleaning. Cleaning up the studio, and my house. I always want to put my effort and attention into so many other things that it’s hard to find time to clean, but it always feels so nice to have a clean house. And one of my favorite things in the world is a freshly cleaned and made bed. There isn’t much better than that. I hate cleaning bathrooms, though, it always seems like a never ending task. I know everything has to be cleaned regularly, but at least a bed can be made every morning, easily, and things can be tidied up and put away, but bathrooms always have spots on the glass door, and (for my house) cat fur in the sink. Its a never ending, never feels fully clean, kind of endeavor. Side note…saying the phrase tidied up…reminded me of Ula from The Producers in her scene where they asked her to tidy up the office.
I really enjoy watching this movie, and the music is so catchy! I think they all did a great job portraying the characters.