So you know how, sometimes, if you aren’t careful, its easy to miss the last step on a ladder. Whether its a really tall ladder, or a little step ladder? Well…I did that today. Yep, missed that last step and hit the ground pretty hard. I didn’t completely fall, but it jarred me…I didn’t realize how much until my back started hurting…and let me just say, it is very unhappy with me. I’m glad I was able to catch myself and not actually fall in to anything…and I’m sure the look on my face was absolutely priceless. I’m sure I’ll be laughing about it once the pain goes away. Such a silly mistake, and I’m usually so careful on ladders…for that exact reason. Oh well. I was able to accomplish my mission, so at the end of the day I consider that a win. The irony comes when I remembered last night’s post was about dancing…and tonight’s post proves that I don’t have the grace and balance of a dancer at all, lol. Maybe dancing lessons wouldn’t be the safest thing for me to do. Then again, maybe they would make me safer. 50/50 chance. Could also do some weird combination of both. Who knows.