Anyone who knows me, knows I really love color, all of it…brights, pastels, darks…so I was playing around with some ideas for vibrant colors. The dress will look like the sketch soon, once I decide how i want to do it exactly
Catching Up
Ok….so I have a lot of catching up to do…
Up first… Let’s talk about the Lion Tamer Design… Daphne really enjoyed this outfit (and, I can’t lie…so did I ) We were watching The Greatest Showman a little too much when I came up with this idea, but Daphne really loved being able to get her whip out :-D. I want to do a different photoshoot with it, but the idea is there for now
Trying Again
Ok, here is another attempt at keeping this Blog updated. Wish me luck!
I actually do have some new stuff to post, and have been working on a lot of new creations, so there will be updates coming. (I know I’ve said this a lot) Life just has a habit of getting in the way… plus I’m just not very good at blogging, lol. But practice makes perfect, right?
Close Up
Here is a portrait of Daphne…trying to work out the details of her face, and still playing around with drawing styles. I think it is going to be fun watching her evolve and slowly come to life
Meet Daphne! My alter ego :). She wanted to drop in and introduce herself. The drawing style is a little crude, I’m attempting a very different style than I’m used to, so she will evolve as I get more comfortable with it.
Daphne wasn’t sure the best way to introduce herself…so she picked a dress that reminds her of her favorite holiday… Halloween! She is excited to be able to wear all my designs and plans on taking each one on some grand adventure…and she promises to give us a detail of them all
Well…I did not do a very good job keeping up on this blog. I am going to try again and hopefully I will do a much better job I’m not used to this, but give me another chance.
On a different topic. I have recently had another photo-shoot for a dress I am really fond of. It’s the first dress in my new circus collection. Hopefully you guys enjoy it as well!
It also gave me a chance to use my new LipSense makeup! I’m really enjoying it! This shoot I used the LipSense tinted moisturizer, the mascara with lash builder, the Violet lip color, and the prism lip gloss! For more info, check with Ellen at Hair and Nails by Ellen or me, hahaha. I love being able to use my bright colors! Ellen is also to be thanked for doing the styling of my wig!
As you can see…I have not changed the formatting of the blog yet…it will happen, I just don’t know when. Today, instead, I worked on the newest latex design. Yep, I have finally come up with an idea. I’m pretty happy with how it is coming out so far. It’s a lot of work, though, a lot of pieces to it, but I enjoy the end result of things like that. They feel so much more personal when I am able to put more work into them. The easy stuff is nice and all, but I really enjoy the more complex pieces. There is a different sense of accomplishment when I finish them. I take pride in all the stuff I do, and I always want what I do to look nice…it’s just that the more complex and difficult projects just feel better at the end. I really don’t think I explained that very well. I’m having a bit of a conundrum, though…I have a wig that I made that would match, but I’m not sure if that will be over kill for the photoshoot (when it happens) or if I should play it up as over the top. Guess I will figure out when the time actually comes. Oh man! I just realized I’ll be able to pair it with some pieces from other designs I have. Oh wow…this design just became so much more fun, and it isn’t even finished yet. I love when that happens.
Human Mind
The formatting on my last post definitely didn’t come out right. I have corrected it, but it made me realize I need to rethink the design of my blog. I noticed it isn’t easy to read when it isn’t formatted, but it also isn’t all that great to read when it is. I was going to try and work on it tonight…but as I kept just staring at the computer screen…I realized tonight was not going to happen. My brain is apparently not in the coding frame of mind. Isn’t it crazy how we have to be in the right mood or even just the right frame of mind to be able to do certain tasks. If I’m not feeling creative, I can’t draw or come up with a design to save my life…when I am feeling creative, I sometimes can’t stop the ideas from almost overwhelming me. If I’m in the mood to work on computer stuff, such as coding, I can spend all day long working on it without even noticing I’ve been sitting there for hours, if I’m not in that frame of mind I fidget and think of all the things I could be doing rather than what it is I’m supposed to be doing. Isn’t it also crazy how we could be at home, with no desire to work on anything even if the whole day is available for the task…yet as soon as we are at work all we want to do is all the stuff we didn’t do at home. It’s fascinating how our minds work sometimes. I find it funny, personally, that I can go from being super lazy, where I don’t even want to get off the couch to grab a glass of water…to being so hard working I forget to even stop to drink. I don’t seem to have much of an in between…and I’ve met other people like that. It’s hard to find that middle ground between work and relaxation…maybe that’s why I do it in extremes…it’s the only way I know how to even start to try to balance it out.
Coming up
Trying to write this, tonight, using my iPad… not an easy endeavor and I’m not sure the formatting will be correct… but we shall see. I’m really happy to say I’ve been getting positive feedback on my latest design and the latest shoot. I’m really happy about that! I’ve picked up some more followers in Instagram and I think that is amazing. I just need to keep up the trend. I’m still trying to figure out what I want to make next. I have so many options for what I can do, and just haven’t figured out what the right path is yet. I’m hoping it will come to me soon, but it feels slightly like a continued case of the artists block I’ve had for a while. Hopefully it’s not and something will come to me soon. The great thing about inspiration, is it usually comes unbidden and at a random time, so I’m sure it will strike me when the time is right. I just hope it doesn’t wait too long for that to happen. I do have a new fabric dress in the works…it is cut out and just needs to be sewn together…but I haven’t decided what I want to do with latex yet. It will come to me in time. I just did a preview of this post… so far it wasn’t a good sign as to how it will look…but I’m going to go ahead and post it, and will have to fix the format once I am at a computer again, so bear with me and I hope it isn’t too bad.
Today was a good day. It was long, but productive and busy. Someone who’s opinion is very important to me, also saw my newest photoshoot and liked the pictures, so that made me feel pretty good. Was a much needed boost after the comment from a couple days ago. I know they aren’t perfect, I still have a lot to learn, and a lot o pay attention to, but I feel like I am improving, and in the end I think that’s what matters. That I haven’t given up and I keep trying to get better. Photography is definitely not my passion, but it is becoming a lot more fun since I have a better idea of what I’m doing and the photos are starting to come out nicer without needing lots and lots of editing. Its so easy to want to just give up once things get hard, and to let a lack of understanding and skill be an excuse to stop. But it is so much more rewarding to keep going, even if you only have a few small wins on the way. Those small wins can mean so much more than a big loss. They give hope. They show us that we are truly heading in the right direction, and as we keep going, those little wins become bigger wins and happen more frequently, until we finally hit the goal we are wanting to reach. The only thing to be wary of is letting yourself become complacent or give in to the fails. And you don’t want to be content with hitting just one goal. Once you’ve hit that goal, set the next goal for yourself. Keep striving to be better, or do better, and always keep learning. Learning is what keeps us young. It reminds us of school and being children where each new day had new ideas and concepts, and new adventures. Learning allows us to broaden our horizons and keeps us open minded towards new ideas and possibilities. Learning is one of life’s gifts. Without it, things would be stagnant, and boring…nothing would ever change and no one would ever grow. That would be a dull and sad world.