I didn’t get a ton of stuff accomplished today. At least not as much as I probably should have, but oh well. I did manage to finally post photos on here of the last photoshoot. And also posted photos from the most current photoshoots. That means the website, for the most part, is caught up. Took me long enough. Also was able to get more stuff posted to the etsy site, and posted another photo on instagram. So I guess today was actually a little more productive than I thought. It was one of those off days though, where you just don’t know what you want to do. You try to do one thing, and it doesn’t feel right or you can’t get in to it, so you try to do something else, and just keep going through things until you finally just settle on something, and even then, end up doing other things while doing whatever it is you settled on. Just couldn’t pin point what I wanted to do with the day, so I turned it into a somewhat relax and recharge day. Always good things to have. I can start back up with productivity tomorrow.