Coming Soon
Not much to say at the moment… I have been busy working on new, random, little projects, that I will post here as soon as I get some pictures of them. Will also have more items for sale once I get a better quality camera, including putting my top hats for sale… yes that is plural :), and making some gloves and other accessories
Little Black Dress!
Just for Fun!
A friend of mine recently challenged me to see if I could make a costume from the Fifth Element movie! I, of course, accepted and had a blast making it!
New Top Hat Design!
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year everyone! This is going to be an amazing year full of new projects and big things for MaeD!
Please bear with me, I just created the contact us form…therefore it is in testing period. If you submit a request and do not receive a response from us, please e-mail us directly at Thanks!!
Hello and thanks to everyone who has visited my site! I just want to say that Mae’D has not disappeared, pictures and a store front will be coming soon! Lots to do to get a business up and running, so thank you for all your patience! For any of you who were at this years’ Fet Con, I will be posting pictures of the designs I wore there and they will be available for purchase
Thanks again everyone!