I thought, tonight, I might bring the blog back around to the actual business, or at least a top more related to the business. This is just a little bit of a shout out to let it be known that more stuff is coming soon and will be posted on the site. I have many projects in the works, in various states of the design process, and have a lot of new ideas I want to bring to life. Currently, I’ve been working on a bunch of fabric skirts that I’ll have some pictures posted of soon in the gallery. I have so much fabric laying around from various projects or just liking it at the time, that I’m trying to get it used up and turned in to stuff. Latex is still my main passion, and I will be doing some more new latex projects soon. Latex is just such a fun material to work with, and it suits my particular design aesthetic better than any other material I’ve worked with. Leather comes close, and I would like to do some more leather pieces that I could add to the site, but it still doesn’t have the same appeal to me that latex does. And, If I’m being truly honest with you, I think latex is so much fun to wear. It’s comfortable and so unique. It’s especially fun to wear here in Colorado… a friend of mine calls it “Scaring the locals” since it is a fairly subdued and traditional type of town, being weird and out of the ordinary is really not hard to do here (minus having to shop elsewhere for supplies and accessories). Can get some interesting looks walking around here in some of the stuff I’ve designed. It probably doesn’t help I currently have bright reddish pink hair. Makes life so much more fun to be able to show my true colors though. Besides, why stick with neutrals and dull colors when there is an entire rainbow of options to choose from and so may different ways to play with a look to make it truly original. At least we have a wonderful costume shop here that has some great make up and tights (its a little paradise of color and personality in an otherwise drab set of options). Why have a favorite color if you can’t show it to the world in your style. I hope more people can learn that color isn’t as scary as it seems.