I only missed a day in between blog posts this time, so I count that as a win (at least its not a year.) Thanks to the last post, you know where I went to college and that, as simple as it is, I learned I loved fashion from none other than Barbie herself. And as far as that goes, I was never a little girl that wanted to be Barbie or to look like Barbie, all I wanted was her wardrobe and some of her awesome stuff, but yeah, mainly the wardrobe. The fun part now, is I can make clothes for people rather than dolls now, which can be a lot more fun. My other reason for going into fashion design, was that I never really liked stuff I found in the stores; it was just never anything that really spoke to me, so I figured, at the least, I wanted to learn how to make my own clothes so finally I would have stuff I was looking for. The downside to that is… I don’t always know what I’m looking for, so sometimes the things I make still aren’t what I want. But oh well… that’s just part of the design process and the trial and error process of learning what my own personal style really is. And at the end of the day, isn’t that really what fashion is about? Taking pieces we like and adding twists to them to make them our own, whether its with embellishments or accessories. Sometimes I’ll find a pair of high heels I absolutely adore, and end up not having anything to wear them with… so I’ll make an outfit to match. It’s why I wanted to be able to do custom design for people. I have the skills and abilities to be able to make an outfit to match my shoes, or make an outfit that popped into my head, and I want to be able to help other people be able to do that as well. We’ve all ran across that certain dress, or blouse, or other article of clothing, and said “I would love this if (add color, design element, style, etc., here) was different.” I want to be able to give that option to my clients. They might love a particular style of a piece, but not the color, or the color but not the length, etc. I want to make those changes for them, so when they get that item, they know it was made specifically for them. A piece truly unique to their own style.