Today was a good day. It was long, but productive and busy. Someone who’s opinion is very important to me, also saw my newest photoshoot and liked the pictures, so that made me feel pretty good. Was a much needed boost after the comment from a couple days ago. I know they aren’t perfect, I still have a lot to learn, and a lot o pay attention to, but I feel like I am improving, and in the end I think that’s what matters. That I haven’t given up and I keep trying to get better. Photography is definitely not my passion, but it is becoming a lot more fun since I have a better idea of what I’m doing and the photos are starting to come out nicer without needing lots and lots of editing. Its so easy to want to just give up once things get hard, and to let a lack of understanding and skill be an excuse to stop. But it is so much more rewarding to keep going, even if you only have a few small wins on the way. Those small wins can mean so much more than a big loss. They give hope. They show us that we are truly heading in the right direction, and as we keep going, those little wins become bigger wins and happen more frequently, until we finally hit the goal we are wanting to reach. The only thing to be wary of is letting yourself become complacent or give in to the fails. And you don’t want to be content with hitting just one goal. Once you’ve hit that goal, set the next goal for yourself. Keep striving to be better, or do better, and always keep learning. Learning is what keeps us young. It reminds us of school and being children where each new day had new ideas and concepts, and new adventures. Learning allows us to broaden our horizons and keeps us open minded towards new ideas and possibilities. Learning is one of life’s gifts. Without it, things would be stagnant, and boring…nothing would ever change and no one would ever grow. That would be a dull and sad world.