I was in some very odd weather while driving around town tonight. On one street….just one street…I went through a patch of foggy, snowy weather that had the starts of blizzard like conditions..then, a street light later…There was no snow and no fog. A little ways up the street…more snow and fog. It was so strange. There were just patches of snow and fog through out town. Even the backyard…half had snow on the ground, the other half didn’t have any at all. The same backyard. Colorado has some very bizarre weather, even to those of us who are natives and used to the weird weather. We can still be surprised by what Colorado can dish out. I’ve even driven down the road where you could see a crystal clear line from where it had rained and where the rain stopped. When I was a kid, I was on a trampoline in the backyard of my cousins house, and we could see it trying to rain in the front yard, but no drops were hittng us. I don’t know what it is about this state…but the weather sure can throw you for a loop. It’s hard to plan clothes for the day, because it could start cold and crappy…and by noon its warm and beautiful…or the complete opposite can happen…it starts off beautiful and turns cold and dreary quick. We can even go from snow, to t-shirt weather in the same day…sometimes in just a matter of an hour or so. Dressing in layers is usually a very good way to go here…but then you have to carry around the layers you have shed throughout the day…or sometimes you didn’t wear enough layers for what the day brought. And picking a coat…practically a nightmare. So many Coloradans have multiple coats just because we have no idea what’s going to happen. It’s never dull weather wise, that’s for sure.